A new web 2.0 tool, scribd, is tried to use in promoting library activities in my library.
Scribd is a tool for document sharing. You can upload PDF, word, excel, powerpoint...different kind of files and share it in your blog or the website of Scribd. Another special feauture is Scribd is iPhone compatible.
I used Scribd to announce the answer of a library puzzle game which held a week before. Students can easily browse the whole document through my library xanga . Let's have a look of it first:
My opinions of Scribd: Its useful for publishing library publication or exercise on library homepage. Quite simple to use, you just upload the word or excel document into Scribd and embed it into library homepage. Others can read it easily. Users can zoom in or zoom out, choose which page to view, function is quite similar to viewing PDF format file. Moreover, you can view the file in list mode,slide mode or book mode. Another advantage of Scribd is it has search function.